Keeping a Dream Journal
I know, I know… you're sick of hearing me go on and on about this! LOL
For those that don't know, I tend to lecture ENDLESSLY in my online chat to members to keep a dream journal. I imagine its gets tired to many pretty quick. *blush*
It IS an amazing tool though, otherwise I wouldn't go on about it the way that I do.
The mind is a very active thing, it's ALWAYS working. When we sleep, the conscious mind, or the ego is out of the way so to speak.
This gives our sub-conscious and 'higher' mind, or guides/angels, a chance to speak to us. The bad part of this is that within minutes of us waking up, the conscious mind kicks back in and buries most of what came to us in our dreams.
Now I'm not saying that all the messages we get while dreaming are important or even make any sense, though some argue that EVERY thought is important and should be paid attention to. That's too much like work to me. LOL
I keep a dream journal, and I NEVER read it. That's important. Makes NO sense I realize, but it is important. Let me explain.
When you keep a dream journal you are sending a signal to your higher self/mind that you are interested in what it has to say. You are paying attention. Even if all you ever write in the thing is that you chose not to remember your dreams. You are listening, and making an effort to remember what you dreamed. Think to people you know in real time, if they don't ever pay attention to you, do you keep trying to speak to them?
I do, but I'm WAY stubborn. LOL (Well, sometimes I do *blush*)
People ask me, but what's the point of it, if you never read it.
The same reason you keep a regular journal. The point of keeping any kind of journal is to chronicle your development, for future reference. The Dream Journal does that and also sends a very strong message to your mind that you want to bridge the gaps. The closer we can come to integrating the sub-conscious, ego and higher mind, the more advanced we become. The deeper our understanding becomes and the more of our mind we can use as its intended!
Think of it this way. If you have a super computer, state of the art, would you be satisfied only using a tenth of its capabilities? Some are, others aren't and that's more than fair. Not saying that everyone HAS to develop the things I rant on about, we have free will (which is another rant I'm working on…..just so you know!).
Many have told me, but I don't dream. Loves, trust me! You dream. If you didn't, you'd be in a padded cell somewhere. The human animal NEEDS to dream. It is a necessary function in our existence. If you don't remember your dreams, that's fine and although it will seem a ridiculous waste of time, keep a journal. Trust me on this.
Make a challenge/experiment of it. For 90 days, keep a journal, even if all you ever write in it is that you chose not to remember your dream. EVERY day when you wake up, before your feet hit the floor. Write in that journal. Doesn't have to make sense, doesn't even have to be legible. LOL! Write in it. Send that signal to your mind that you are listening. If you don't remember, write that you CHOSE not to remember. Give your mind some credit here. ALL energy likes to show its importance!
After 90 days, if you don't see a change, if you still don't believe you are dreaming, email me and tell me so. I'm weird; I LIKE to be told I'm wrong. (Well, sometimes anyway!)
What I'm saying here is that if you WANT to develop your connection to Spirit/higher self/guides/angels, then keep a dream journal.
Let it be known that you are listening, and you will be amazed what happens. As time goes by, you will find that you remember more of your dreams, more often. You will retain that information longer, partly cause you wrote it down, which 'cements' it in your conscious mind, and partly because it is becoming 'louder' in your mind. The energies start to speak louder to you when you do this.
You will also find that when you do keep a dream journal, and you remember more of what you dream, you see things from your dreams in the world around you. You will start to see the correlation between the nonsense of your dreams and the 'real world' around you.
One word of warning, STAY away from those stupid dream interpretation books!! Please… I'm serious here. Really I am!
Dreams are a VERY personal thing. YOU can interpret your dreams. I am not convinced that anyone else can truly do this for you. We can help you. We can help you follow the trail and point out things that you are missing. But no 'types' of dreams mean the same for everyone, though many disagree with me on this point.
For example: Most books on dreams say that dreams of butterfly's herald change and evolution and most find them to be very relaxing and happy dreams. Full of sunshine and warm fuzzies.
So say most books on dreams I've seen.
My youngest daughter is terrified of butterflies.
Dreams with butterflies to her are nightmares. They don't mean sunshine and warm fuzzies to her, they mean racing heart and cold sweats. So those dreams to HER mean change is coming, but not warm fuzzy kind of change.
See the difference?
Never let anyone else tell you what you mean! But again, that's a rant for another time.
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